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to join, click on the logo
to join, click on the logo
It's not necessary to pay a fee to be a member of PACA, but it's possible to pay a small membership of $10 to the Australian Conservation Foundation so that they can continue to grow their base strength and you can be updated with national issues and campaigns. Click on the logo to become an ACF Member.
If you share similar ideals to the ACF you're welcome to join our ACF sub-group (PACA) to find ways to shift policies in our local area and create a strong network of like-minded and positive people. There's no joining fee and you'll receive some communications from ACF as well about their campaigns. Read the ACF Community Principles
One of our committee members will contact you to see what inspired you to come on board and understand how you might like to be involved - and rest assured that your details are safely stored in ACF's system. No member of PACA has the clearance to see your phone number or other personal information.
We'll send alerts to relevant events, calls to action, webinars and monthly meetings as they happen.